Apr 10, 2019 | Parenting, Tips & Inspiration |
This is the time for a new college session after high school. As the school year begins to wind down, high school seniors and those who care about them, typically have their eyes on two prizes: getting into college and graduating from high school. While both...
Oct 7, 2018 | Tips & Inspiration, Worklife Hacks |
There are lots of people who can motivate you and give you some tips for success. We found such tips and mantra for success from a few great personas. PerkyTrendz giving you 5 tips about success and how you keep motivating. 1. Importance of people You need right...
Sep 6, 2018 | Tips & Inspiration |
We all had very good habits in our childhood, even we want it back, so why we want our childhood back. There were only habits which made it best age, so now it’s the right time to get it back again and add some perk to your life. PerkyTrenz chose some habits which...
Aug 19, 2018 | Tips & Inspiration |
1. Not doing exercise and breakfast in the morning If you have a very busy schedule and you escape your exercise and even your morning breakfast then you have to break this schedule. Take a fresh start and change your morning schedule little bit, do breakfast and at...
Aug 17, 2018 | Tips & Inspiration |
In the whole world people start their morning in different ways, but there are 4 things to notice, people start their morning either in “Good way with Positivity” or in “Bad way with some Negative energy (sometimes)”, or they start their day “Early” or “late”....