Jun 16, 2019 | Worklife Hacks |
Working from home is not casual. If you are an entrepreneur or a freelancer and working from home then you should build your environment professionally. You can have a Skype call anytime or any urgent work that can make you mentally tired, so you should focus on being...
Feb 10, 2019 | Worklife Hacks |
Designation/Role One’s role or designation decides that he or she will continue or not. If someone is not getting the role as they want then that person might resign from the current position unless you are giving him a chance to grow. Salary That’s the most important...
Oct 7, 2018 | Tips & Inspiration, Worklife Hacks |
There are lots of people who can motivate you and give you some tips for success. We found such tips and mantra for success from a few great personas. PerkyTrendz giving you 5 tips about success and how you keep motivating. 1. Importance of people You need right...
Oct 2, 2018 | Worklife Hacks |
This is not a necessity that always things goes well at workplace. If you are a working professional then you have to fight with bad times. But do you feel tensed in hard times? then there are some workplace issues and their solutions which PerkyTrendz brought...
Sep 6, 2018 | Worklife Hacks |
1. Being late at work It is ok if you got late sometimes in a month or week but if it’s a habit to always being late then this is not ok and not good for your job. Being late at work can be a job loosing reason. 2. Gossiping You should not gossip about boss or...