In the whole world people start their morning in different ways, but there are 4 things to notice, people start their morning either in “Good way with Positivity” or in “Bad way with some Negative energy (sometimes)”, or they start their day “Early” or “late”.

PerkyTrendz found some simple ways to start your morning with positive energy, here are these 5 ways:


1. Early start your morning, at least thrice a week.

To start a good morning, you must wake up early morning as much as you can take time for next 4 things. For having a good sleep, go to bed early at night so that you can wake up early in the morning with enough sleep you needed. Never force yourself to wake up.


2. Have a glass of lime water (Must read specification below).

Having a glass of water with 3 drops of lime will give you energy for at least a half day, rest you off course would need food. So take a cup or glass filled half with water  and add three drops of lemon to it, you can also add some salt for good taste and have this mixture just after 15 minutes, you woke up.


3. Solve puzzles from newspaper and read newspaper.

First read newspaper, if you don’t have that much time then just read headlines and then solve puzzles given in the newspaper or magazines, they have variety of puzzles like Sudoku and crosswords so that you have a brain storming morning without any digital devices. You can also read some stories or inspirational articles given in the newspaper they are much interesting than any news article.


4. Do some struggling in Dancing or have some peace in your small garden.

Now it’s time for some physical exercise, in the early morning it is very effective for your entire body and mind. If you choose dancing you can definitely release calories and can have much more energy and health than ever, in a few days. If you choose gardening, it has its own advantage for health. it’s good for heart, body, mind and soul.

Or you can choose both if you have at least one hour or at least 45 minutes. Both can give you good mixture of body and brain exercises.


5. Now a heavy breakfast will give you a boost for the entire day.

Yes, having a breakfast full of Protein and Fiber rich foods. You can have a bowl of milk and corn flakes, peanut butter and bread, you can also add into this some strawberries, banana, dry fruits, chocolate, oats etc. This breakfast will give your day a kick start, and you the energy you need.


You can follow these steps at least thrice a week, if a routine is not possible, you will definitely feel a different inside you and the work you do. An early routine can raise your productivity at work and will keep you happy throughout the entire day, but the thing is you have to do it just the way you are, and you are happy always you just have to find it inside you. Be Perky, Be Trendy!


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