Jun 16, 2019 | Worklife Hacks |
Working from home is not casual. If you are an entrepreneur or a freelancer and working from home then you should build your environment professionally. You can have a Skype call anytime or any urgent work that can make you mentally tired, so you should focus on being...
May 30, 2019 | Technology |
Purchasing domain name and hosting, perhaps a simple task but for some people, it can be a complicated task because they are not friendly with technology. To clarify, in this blog I bring information and steps for purchasing a domain name and hosting on your own. Yes!...
May 27, 2019 | Social Sach |
From the beginning of this world, this is the stereotype that women should do household works only but outside jobs. Thinking, mindset furthermore circumstances have changed with time but all the facilities importantly discovered and designed for men. Is this...
May 26, 2019 | Technology |
PerkyTrendz bring a Technology section for technology people. I am starting from “blog setup and requirements”. This is a step by step guide for those who want to start their own blog without any agency or freelancer help. I have covered every important point, every...
Apr 10, 2019 | Parenting, Tips & Inspiration |
This is the time for a new college session after high school. As the school year begins to wind down, high school seniors and those who care about them, typically have their eyes on two prizes: getting into college and graduating from high school. While both...
Feb 10, 2019 | Worklife Hacks |
Designation/Role One’s role or designation decides that he or she will continue or not. If someone is not getting the role as they want then that person might resign from the current position unless you are giving him a chance to grow. Salary That’s the most important...
Jan 6, 2019 | Relationships |
The wedding season is on, and the most important thing is to know your partner before marriage. There is no issue if you ask some questions to your future partner before marriage. Marriage is very prominent decision which you take for your whole life so it’s important...
Dec 2, 2018 | Power Paintings |
We all have a creative person inside, and painting is such a mesmerizing and relaxing art. PerkyTrendz showing you some most beautiful water color paintings which are as beautiful as nature. And yes the most important thing is, this is the author’s old and...
Nov 5, 2018 | Skin & Hair |
Most of us want longer beautiful hairs, with ease. We can have long hairs but it takes efforts and some natural ingredients. Our grandparents had all the solutions for hairs and skin but now also have all the solutions for the same. PerkyTrendz gained some information...