Nov 5, 2018 | Skin & Hair |
Whether it is winter or summer, almost girls have dandruff problem. In winter it is on it’s peek but even in summer some girls have dandruff problem because of many reasons including pollution and our daily routine. So here PerkyTrendz brought you one of its best...
Oct 14, 2018 | Skin & Hair |
There are lots of things now days, that causing wrinkles and skin problems. Pollution is the main reason then nutrition comes in the queue. Some other reasons for wrinkles and other skin problems are stress, dehydration, smoking, ageing, imbalanced lifestyle etc. So...
Oct 7, 2018 | Tips & Inspiration, Worklife Hacks |
There are lots of people who can motivate you and give you some tips for success. We found such tips and mantra for success from a few great personas. PerkyTrendz giving you 5 tips about success and how you keep motivating. 1. Importance of people You need right...
Oct 2, 2018 | Worklife Hacks |
This is not a necessity that always things goes well at workplace. If you are a working professional then you have to fight with bad times. But do you feel tensed in hard times? then there are some workplace issues and their solutions which PerkyTrendz brought...
Sep 10, 2018 | Yoga & Exercise |
Along with healthy diet and yoga practice, many diseases can be treated. Do yoga practice in Yoga Specialist guidance. Here PerkyTrendz found a solution for your hair fall and stomach problems, so be ready to practice some yoga from now. Adho Mukha Shavasana...
Sep 10, 2018 | Psychology |
Your tooth is paining, you can say to everyone, but if your heart breaks then it is difficult to say to anyone. Because we learn from surrounding world, that if you get hurt then keep it up to you…. No matter how bad you are feeling. In a world organization survey in...
Sep 10, 2018 | Kids & Women |
Either there are women or men, hormones control whole body system. But when that got imbalanced, then entire system of human body can be dysfunction. By doing some changes in your lifestyle, we can control this hormonal imbalance. In our body there our 230 types of...
Sep 9, 2018 | Psychology |
If your brain works more than your body a day then its obvious that your brain needs power, but sometimes we can’t even do some small calculations because we don’t use our brain even for some small calculations, hence we need to retrain our brain power again. So...
Sep 9, 2018 | Yoga & Exercise |
In our daily busy lives, we don’t have time even for our health, we all want quick actions but you can take just 15 minutes per day from your busy schedule and do these 3 exercises and take proper nutrition to get rid of that extra belly fat. The best thing about...
Sep 6, 2018 | Tips & Inspiration |
We all had very good habits in our childhood, even we want it back, so why we want our childhood back. There were only habits which made it best age, so now it’s the right time to get it back again and add some perk to your life. PerkyTrenz chose some habits which...