Sep 6, 2018 | Worklife Hacks |
1. Being late at work It is ok if you got late sometimes in a month or week but if it’s a habit to always being late then this is not ok and not good for your job. Being late at work can be a job loosing reason. 2. Gossiping You should not gossip about boss or...
Aug 20, 2018 | Psychology |
1. Be happy Meaning of being happy means being in a light mood and thinking that all is well, this is the key of being happy. Always carry a smile and do all the things that make you happy. 2. Music Music is always a healer for any pain or depression, in these...
Aug 19, 2018 | Tips & Inspiration |
1. Not doing exercise and breakfast in the morning If you have a very busy schedule and you escape your exercise and even your morning breakfast then you have to break this schedule. Take a fresh start and change your morning schedule little bit, do breakfast and at...
Aug 17, 2018 | Tips & Inspiration |
In the whole world people start their morning in different ways, but there are 4 things to notice, people start their morning either in “Good way with Positivity” or in “Bad way with some Negative energy (sometimes)”, or they start their day “Early” or “late”....